Victoria Lommatzsch

The Van Taste

A culinary journey through Europe in a camper van

Join Vicky on an exciting road trip through Europe’s many diverse kitchens! Victoria travelled in her self-converted van for one year across the continent, on the hunt for culinary highlights to bring to her own van kitchen and now yours too. Vicky’s incredible journey included deep sea fishing in Norway, milking goats in the Pyrenees, sniffing Belgian cocoa, visiting local markets, coffee roasters and distilleries as well as small manufacturers. She took part in tastings for cheese, beer, olive oil and much more. She discovered the various countries with all of her senses, not only experiencing the most unique stories, but also crossing paths with many inspiring people and their heart-warming hospitality.

By the end of this incredible journey, Vicky has collected over 80 delicious recipes and adapted them for the camper van kitchen. With minimal equipment and simple, fresh ingredients to prepare – these recipes are absolutely perfect for ‘van life’. Oh and damn tasty too!

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212 Seiten


Oktober 2020




1. Auflage


225 x 250 mm


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Oktober 2020


1. Auflage


212 Seiten




225 x 250 mm


Die Druckfarben enthalten keine Schadstoffe oder Mineralöle und zum Binden wird kein PVC-Kleber verwendet.

Unsere Bücher werden nicht in Einschweißfolien verpackt.

Produkte mit dem FSC-Label stammen garantiert nicht aus Raubbau, sondern fördern die sozial- und umweltgerechte Waldwirtschaft.



»Whether after a surf session at noon, following a long hike in the afternoon or in the evening when sitting together with your neighbours – I guarantee you’ll always find the perfect recipe to satisfy a big appetite, hunger for adventure and delicious food are definitely going to be satisfied!«


Tartiflette is, simply put, a potato casserole. But it is the combination of bacon, crème
fraîche, white wine and above all the Reblochon that gives it its unmistakable and
extremely tasty flavour. Definitely something for colder or rainy days when you are
snuggled up inside your van.

Ingredients (2 persons)
– 6 large potatoes
– 300 g Reblochon cheese (or other spicy soft cheese like Tomme or ripe Camembert)
– 200 g crème fraîche
– 100 ml white wine (2/3 C, preferably dry)
– 100 g bacon cubes
– 1 onion
– 1 clove of garlic
– salad of your choice
– 4 fresh figs
– some sugar
– salt & pepper

1. Wash the potatoes and simmer in a medium pot with some salt for about 20 minutes
until they are cooked.
2. Drain, peel and slice the potatoes.
3. Peel the onion and garlic and cut into small cubes. Fry the bacon in a pan and after 3
minutes add the onion and garlic. Fry well.
4. Add the potato slices to the pan and fry those for about 5 minutes. Deglaze with white
wine and then add the crème fraîche. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
5. Place the potato mixture in an ovenproof form (or the Omnia oven). Cut the Reblochon
lengthwise in halfs and place it on the potato mixture with the rind facing down.
6. a) Cook in the preheated oven for 20 minutes at medium heat (170 degrees).
b) Cook in the Omnia Oven at medium heat for about 20 minutes.
7. In the meantime cut the figs in half and lightly sugar on the inside. Caramelise them in a
hot pan with the sugared side facing down for about two minutes.
8. Then arrange it in a salad and serve with the potato casserole.

France is famous as the country of cheeses. There are more than 350 types of cheese
between the Pyrenees and Lille. In order to get to know as many of them as possible, there
are seven major cheese roads, which lead to farms, producers, cheese shops and provide
further information about cheese.


A cooking course in Bruges
When I snuffed cocoa and learned to prepare real fries

I only spent a few days in Belgium and wanted to make the most of the limited time
available to discover the culinary landscape. A cooking course is simply perfect for this – so
I booked one at the brewery “Bourgogne des Flandres“ in Bruges (contact details page
193). There I met Anne, the chef, who accommodated me and eight other participants in
her kitchen that afternoon. We were a very colourful group of travellers from five different
countries, and we got along very well right away.

During the cooking course we learned how to make real Belgian fries and started with the
preparation of the raw potatoes. They were then fried in two stages and at different
temperatures until they were soft inside and crispy outside. Of course, homemade Belgian
mayonnaise was not to be missed either.
For dessert, we prepared an airy mousse au chocolat with high-quality Belgian chocolate
and sprinkled it with a little salt at the end for that special kick.

After we had prepared our meals, we all sat down together at a long wooden table and
enjoyed our homemade fries. We also got five different house beers to taste, and Anne had
a surprise for us. She offered us two different kinds of cocoa for “snuffing”. This kind of
dessert was once developed by a star chef for the royal family and is therefore a very high
quality experience. You place special loose cocoa on a small surface that is attached to a
miniature “catapult”. You then hold this surface under your nose and press a trigger with
your finger so that the snap-mechanism is activated and the cocoa powder is shot right up
the nose. You have to inhale through your nose at the same time – an absolute explosion of
smell! The aromas of the cocoa immediately spread throughout the sinuses and kind of
through the whole head too. A unique, funny experience!
We all enjoyed the time so much, that we stayed for a few more beers and had a
wonderful evening together.

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Über die Autorin

Victoria Lommatzsch

Victoria Lommatzsch

Vicky hat ihren 30. Geburtstag zum Anlass genommen, noch mal ganz von vorn anzufangen. Sie kündigte ihren Job und kaufte sich einen Transporter, den sie »Spencer« taufte und innerhalb eines Winters selbst zu einem gemütlichen Van umbaute. In ihrem neuen rollenden Zuhause fuhr sie ein Jahr lang allein durch Europa. Mit im Gepäck: ihre große Leidenschaft für’s Kochen und eine gehörige Portion Neugier.  Sie besuchte Märkte, Manufakturen, Röstereien, Käsereien, Destillerien und vieles mehr. Nahm an Kochkursen und Verkostungen teil, war hochseefischen in Norwegen und melkte Esel in den Pyrenäen, immer auf der Suche nach authentischen, regionalen Rezepten, die Abwechslung in die Camper-Küche bringen. 

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